
The Infinite Day

Science-fiction novels are few and far between in the Christian book store. Oh sure, you'll find the Space Trilogy from C.S. Lewis tucked away in a corner and few other titles manage to make brief appearances from time to time, but there are far too few of them for my taste. After all, the power of faith in God is believing in what is unseen . . . in what is yet to come . . . and in the battle between good and evil. All of these are standard elements in a science-fiction novel, and the best ones use them wisely to create a universe or a time that is just as believable as what we know today.

By all accounts, Chris Walley has created such a universe in The Lamb Among the Stars series. He's created a world that we can only dream of: A trillion people living peacefully together across a thousand worlds under the leadership the Assembly. Peace and stability reign, and evil is a thing of the past. But all that comes to an end as evil returns one day to a planet called Farholme. From there, a small band of believers must keep their faith in God while learning to fight against an evil so powerful it seems impossible to win.

The Infinite Day is the final of three books in this astounding series. The cover follows the look of the series while illustrating the Blade of Night, the evil ship created by the evil Lord-Emperor to destroy the remaining resistance to his rule. As the ship passes by a nearby sun, it leaches away the life of the sun itself, thus showing the power of this monstrous, evil ship and illustrating the danger the believers are in.

+ PUBLISHER: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
+ RELEASING: June 2008
+ FORMAT: 6" x 9" hardcover
+ PRINTING: 4/C + PMS 877
+ COATING: overall gloss
+ FONTS USED: Stark Bold + ITC Eras Demi

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